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Camp Chrysalis

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Camp Chrysalis is now in its thirty-eighth year, and our program has developed a distinctive approach to environmental education, offering children rich experiences that combine recreation, learning, and personal growth. We camp in three spectacular environments as a family of learners together: Big Sur redwoods, Mendocino coastal tidepools and Sierra Nevada mountains and focus on active study of these environments. Our purpose is to explore and learn, as well as to play and enjoy. Around camp and on side-trips, we focus often on active study of the environment and wildlife, to develop natural science skills as well as appreciation; and on basic camping and wilderness skills. Our campers extend themselves in hikes, and then loaf around the swimming hole. Back at camp, they play chess and Capture-the-Flag, learn to whittle and sharpen knives, and just hang out together.

Campers’ exploration is as much of their own developing abilities as of what the world has to offer. One learns how to put his fork away and find it again; another, that she can make a tough climb; all learn to make new friends. Our very conscious mentoring of young people is one of the big draws of the camp as campers develop a strong knit and caring community of learners. We divide the campers into four small family groups of mixed gender and ages. In these small groups, they enjoy working and playing together, and taking care of us all. They deepen their feelings and friendships around the campfire with skits, stories, songs from our rich folk heritage; and complement their nature study with leaf-painting on T-shirts, and use saws and drills while working on woodworking, jewelry and other craft projects. Each session includes 36-40 campers (12 for backpacking) and eight to ten experienced staff. Fully half are girls! Our experienced counselors offer individual attention to campers with a camper:staff ratio of 4:1. For more information and registration forms visit our web site:

We leave early by bus on the first day of each session and return by dinner on the last evening. The children bring sleeping-bags, tents (optional), and personal gear; and help us with meal preparation and camp maintenance. We provide good food and many resources, extra tents, much instruction and supervision, and insurance. The campsites have tables and toilet facilities. Beyond this, we’re roughing it; but the camp experience is pleasurable and is not arduous. All activities are paced to enable younger and less-vigorous campers to complete them enjoyably.

We have created a safe environment at CC to support all of our campers and staff and are a LGBTQ+ "friendly" camp and have campers with special needs including those on the spectrum as well as those who need a nut or gluten-free environment

We do offer financial assistance to match family's needs, a sibling and multi-session discount of 10%.
