ይህ ገጽ ከእንግሊዝኛ ራስ-ተተርጉሟል። የመጀመሪያውን ይመልከቱ ×


Debate Camp teaches and develops camper skills in parliamentary debate. Campers work in teams of 2 to generate ideas in support of, or in refutation to a selection debatable topics (new each day).

Debate Camp teaches and develops camper skills in parliamentary debate. Campers work in teams of 2 to generate ideas in support of, or in refutation to a selection debatable topics (new each day).

Public Speaking skills at Debate Camp are developed in 2 ways: First, debating itself works towards 2 - 3 minute speaking times for all campers, often with limited notes and inspired by the topic and / or an opponent's case. Secondly, we warm up all sessions with impromptu speaking games, that encourage participation and help campers overcome any reluctance to speak in the company of others.


ምንም የአሁኑ የፕሮግራም መረጃ የለም