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Camp Phoenix


鳳凰營是一個充滿樂趣、以正義為中心的項目,旨在賦予低收入背景的青少年權力,讓他們重新與大自然建立聯繫,使他們能夠成為我們社區和地球所需的領導者。我們為期三週的過夜夏令營將過夜營的樂趣與探索性學習的嚴謹性融為一體,推動中學生進入下一學年及以後的學習。全年,我們都會引導青少年在整個灣區進行週末旅行,讓他們更多地接觸大自然所提供的一切。鳳凰營成立於 2012 年,每年夏天為約 90 名營員提供服務,並努力為每個加入營員的人帶來歡樂、愛和機會。

Support is provided, Instructors are trained in ELL strategies and we have multiple Spanish-speaking staff (however, we do not have Hmong or Arabic speaking staff).

We serve youth with an array of learning differences and IEPs but no disabilities that need special care or a certified professional.

Our program is for low-income youth who qualify for free or reduced lunch. The cost per child is $40 total. If you cannot pay $40, we will waive the fee.


Tyfahra Singleton
Executive Director