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Calvary Lutheran School offers top-quality Christian education in the Kansas City community. Children from infants through eighth grade are in an environment where they learn to strive for excellence, serve the Lord, and show love and compassion for all people.

For parents seeking an exceptional education for their children, Calvary’s curriculum, programs, sense of community and experienced faculty are all deciding factors. Calvary focuses on nurturing the whole child—academically, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Our students grow with confidence, developing a strong intellectual and moral foundation that lasts a lifetime.

Calvary is open to all children in Kansas City and surrounding neighborhoods. We are dedicated to offering the highest standard of education for an affordable tuition. Calvary’s church and school communities are hard at work year-round to ensure that the school is well supported to offer unparalleled learning and growth.

Our Mission

Calvary Lutheran School supports parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibilities by creating a Christ-centered environment where students are challenged, encouraged, and enabled to be life-long learners.

Our curriculum and programs are designed to help all students demonstrate:

  • Spiritual Growth: Being a witness to Christ and His plan of salvation through their words and actions
  • Academic Excellence: Acquiring academic skills and knowledge to become problem-solvers and independent thinkers
  • Cultural Awareness: Respecting various cultures, their arts and customs
  • Physical Growth: Recognizing that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and to live their lives according to God’s purpose
  • Emotional Maturity: Acknowledging their uniqueness as a child of God and demonstrating that uniqueness by responding appropriately to each situation
  • Social Awareness: Recognizing their responsibilities to those around them

Discounts are available. Visit our website for more information.


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