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The Culinary Dude


Philosophies & Policies

We offer a hands-on, developmental approach to teaching and education in the kitchen. Our focus is on the process rather than the product. By teaching children and adults how to cook for themselves, they are less likely to eat fast or junk food. One of our goals is to empower people with confidence and competence in the kitchen. Classes are presented in a non threatening, pressure less environment. The Culinary Dude teaches to the people and not at them. Age is not a factor when working towards the same ultimate goal, creating good food for everyone to eat. All participants learn while performing culinary tasks to achieve the same goal. Once students have mastered the process of the how's, what's, where's, why's and when's of cooking and recipe comprehension, a focus on the product will naturally follow.

Your children are not numbers to us! Unlike other programs who just want your money, our focus is to cater to each child individually, help them where they need improvement and cap our class numbers to keep the class intimate, so your child does not get lost in the masses and feels like they are truly a part of the whole.

We are a nut-free business and use sunflower seeds, SunButter & Wowbutter as a nut replacement unless otherwise requested.


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