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Jose Valdez Math Institute


Since 1989, the Valdés Math Institute has offered both middle-school and high-school students a unique, math-intensive program over 7 weeks each summer. In addition to a focus on building individual math skills, classes focus on study skills, problem solving, and collaborative learning. As a result, our students are enabled to advance at least one full-grade level in math and be ready for Common Core Integrated Math 1 success (at a minimum) as they enter high school, with the ultimate goal of their taking and passing Calculus prior to graduation.

The Valdés Math Institute is for Middle and High School students primarily from Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, covering Basic Math through Pre-Calculus. Classes are held at local college and university campuses (to the extent possible depending on available space), providing an environment that promotes college awareness and attendance.

Our program receives financial support from participating school districts, local governments, foundations, corporations, and individual donors to enable students from low-income families to participate in our summer math program.

Valdés Math™ scholarships are awarded to students whose families meet low-income guidelines. Participation is also dependent on the number of available seats. Participating school districts are allocated seats in our summer classrooms for their respective students, and, should there be any open seats, we will allocate each available seat to one of our eligible families. If seats are not available, then scholarship students are placed on a class waiting list until seats become available, at which time we will offer those seats to our eligible families. Thus, summer placement is predicated on classroom seat availability. Scholarship opportunities are on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you are interested in having your child(ren) attend our summer math program, then please contact your school/district staff and ask if they are participating with the José Valdés Math Foundation. If yes, then please ask them to include your child(ren) on their official summer list. This is the most direct way of enrollment in the Valdés Math™ Program.

If you are not affiliated with any of our participating school districts, and if you are interested in learning more about the scholarship process, then please email Mr. Bob Turner, the Director of Educational Programs, at:


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