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Empower your child's future & simplify your life.

As a parent, you want the best for your child. That means giving them experiences that develop their talents and set them on the path to success. But between work, errands, appointments, and chores, it’s hard to find the time.

Managing different locations, schedules, and pick-up times can be overwhelming. And when you’re running from place to place, there’s less time left for quality family moments. You want your kids to have a well-rounded education, but you don’t want to drive to three different schools in one day. We hear you!

That’s why Silicon Valley Second School offers the highest quality lessons in music, art, chess, and math — all under one roof.

They’ll love it here and so will you.

More Time to Relax

Drop your child off for an afternoon of enrichment while you run errands or enjoy some down-time.

Convenient Scheduling

Schedule multiple classes on the same day after school or on weekends.

High Teaching Standards

Our top-notch educators provide structured lessons and push your child to excel.

Lifelong Skills for Your Child

Learning music, art, chess, and math builds confidence and brings your child joy for the rest of their life.

Does offer some programs with special needs support. Including: Occupational Octaves Piano (TM) is the first language of music developed specifically for individuals with various special needs, such as autism, A.D.H.D., Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injuries, and others. OOP brings clarity to the musical instructions that are normally hidden within the complex structure of traditional music.
