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The Kindred Philosophy

We believe that every person matters--and we're on a mission to help you value yourself in that way, starting with your body and health. CrossFit is a unique form of fitness that demands mindfulness, persistence, patience, confidence, open-mindedness, self-compassion, and generosity. Done right, CrossFit training is much like being in a dojo, where you get to strengthen yourself on many levels.

We bring a strong family culture to our students and to all aspects of our business, because in our increasingly tech-driven world, a positive environment to learn and grow with others on a regular basis is getting harder to find.

While real families are often full of loyalty, love, and support, family members can also get stuck in unhealthy patterns together. At Kindred, we're committed to giving back--spreading a new culture of community that uplifts its members, and encourages them to then inspire others in their own families and communities in turn.

We strive to infuse these values into each interaction with our students, into our staff training, and into the way we run our business. Each member of the Kindred family has something to contribute. Thanks for taking the time to get to know us!

Limited slots available for the Crossfit Kids class.


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