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Camp Brainy Bunch combines the best parts of school (learning!) with the best parts of camp (fun!) - here are the top four reasons why our campers come back year after year.

1 - Fun!

Our daily schedule has blocks for learning that are designed by experienced educators who incorporate hands-on activities and build week-long projects. The learning blocks are interrupted by Brainy Breaks which are sure to get kids wiggling, laughing and being silly through organized games, community builders and icebreakers. Not to ruin the surprise, but tell your child to keep his eyes open for our camp mascot, “Brainy” who brings daily magic and surprises!

2 - Learning!

Our camp curriculum is organized around weekly themes that link academic learning to “real” life. Math, science, public speaking, reading and writing come alive when kids are able to link content learning to their future careers. As our campers become doctors, engineers, and writers for the week, they begin to imagine the amazing adults they will become and all the ways they can contribute to our world.

3 - New Friends

Our camps are small so that kids can build relationships with the adults who get to know them well and with their new camp pals. Whether your child is a first time or returning camper, you can rest assured that Camp Brainy Bunch is an inclusive place where everyone meets someone new and feels included.

4 - Amazing Staff

Our teachers are highly trained, well educated, and full of energy. All of them work in education during the school year and they know how to make sure that kids leave camp tired and happy from tackling hands-on projects, having a blast in during fun games and tournaments, and singing silly songs! Our teaching staff is supported by counselors who come from top universities throughout the United States. They serve as teaching assistants, mentors, role models, and ambassadors of fun to our campers.

At Camp Brainy Bunch, we have adopted the single-subject immersive learning model that we utilize in our Education Unlimited programs for middle and high school age kids; yet we have adapted it to be age-appropriate for 1st-6th grade students. Through creative and imaginative curriculum, campers participate in hands-on, engaging activities that foster design thinking, multiple perspectives, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration skills in order to have fun, learn a lot, and make something new!


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